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Abaixo são apresentados todos os produtos comercializados pela REGMED.

The Gelbo Flex Tester with Particle Counter is to measure the amount of loose fibres (lint) shed from non-woven materials in a 30 second time period of flexing. It is important that non-woven textile materials must have a low tendency to lint.
Linear Thermal Shrinkage or Free Shrink is defined as the irreversible and rapid reduction in linear dimension, in a specified direction, occurring in film exposed to elevated temperatures.
The Falling Dart Impact Tester covers the determination of the energy that causes Polyethylene Film to fail under specified conditions, with the impact of a free-falling dart.  This energy is expressed in terms of weight (mass) of the dart falling from a specified height, which would result in 50% failure of specimens tested.
An advanced leak detection system designed for monitoring the seal performance of flexible and semi rigid packages.
The Auto FPT is used for monitoring the porosity of flexible cellular polyurethane.
Gelbo Flex Tester is used to determine whether certain laminations of plastic withstand repetitive strain. By attaching sample pieces of laminated plastic to the two circular clamping disks, via hose clamps, the specimen is twisted and turned to the specific movements. This process will show a visual result of pinholding and delamination.
Reator de laboratório desenvolvido para a realização de pré-tratamentos térmicos, químicos e semi-químicos nos mais variados tipos de biomassa.
Reator de laboratório desenvolvido para a realização de pré-trataamentos térmicos, químicos e semi-químicos nos mais variados tipos de biomassa.
Moinho de facas de laboratório usado para estudos de moagem / refinação de pastas celulósicas pelo método Valley.

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