The emco MP 5 Moisture Predictor is a universal measuring system for the fast and non-destructive moisture determination of paper, paperboard and pulp on the stationary and running roll through the packaging with a measuring depth of 50 mm.
The emco AP 500-M6 moisture meter is a digital hand-held measuring device for the quick and mobile moisture determination without sampling to detect moisture accumulation in stacks and bales of recovered paper. The meter determines the absolute moisture content of waste paper by simply pressing it on. This moisture content makes it possible to calculate […]
The emco AP 500-M2 moisture meter is a digital hand-held measuring device for the quick and mobile moisture determination without sampling to detect moisture accumulation in stacks and bales of recovered paper. The meter determines the absolute moisture content of waste paper by simply pressing it on. This moisture content makes it possible to calculate […]
Equipamento usado para ensaios de avaliação da resistência ao arrebentamento (estouro) de papel, cartão e papelão ondulado e seus componentes de acordo com o método Mullen. Para papel de imprimir e escrever e sacos BT-21P construído de acordo com ABNT NBR NM ISO 2758. Para cartão, papelão ondulado e seus componentes BT-21C construído de acordo com […]
Equipamento usado para vários ensaios de determinação de propriedades de tração de papel, cartão e papel tissue. Ensaios específicos de acordo com cada norma técnica. Dispositivo de delaminação DI-DEL para ensaio de tração Z
The Paper Schmidt PS8000 is an integrated rebound hammer designed specifically for the testing of roll profiles (paper, plastic films and laminated materials). It features high accuracy and repeatability and delivers instantly all key parameters required for assessing the roll quality. The PS8000 has an extended lifetime to cope with the heavy demands of the […]
O Digestor de laboratório (Autoclave) é usado para estudos de polpação química, semi-química, térmica e branqueamento de materiais celulósicos. O digestor AU/E-20 atende rigorosamente à NR-13 e é fornecido com a completa documentação.
The ProTear Testers provide a rapid and precise way to evaluate the tear resistance of sheet materials including paper, textiles, roofing products, plastic film, and foils. The electronic model features a touch-screen panel that allows for a simple one-touch process to run tear tests and track data. Two different pendulums are available with various augmenting […]
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