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Here are presented all products supplied by REGMED.

The StickyScan 200E™ is designed to be an accessory to the Pulmac MasterScreen™ to generate measurements of stickies. The Pulmac MasterScreen™ will deposit concentrated contaminants onto a 22 cm diameter filter paper. These contaminants can be transformed to stickies measurement using several test methods including: Laminator, TAPPI, and INGEDE.
Robust hand-held meter for the mobile determination of relative humidity and temperature, moisture and dew point. Automatic climate monitoring of printing rooms and paper warehouses.
Moisture determination of pulp sheets in stacks. Quick and highly accurate measurement using a non-destructive method. Application for different types of pulp. Handy, rugged and mobile.
Equipment used to  homogeneously mix pulp suspensions of already properly disintegrated fibres avoiding sedimentation and without causing any changes in their structural properties.
LabDigest is used for pulping studies of cellulosic materials and biomass. The process is performed in a closed circuit where the black liquor is circulated through the cooking vessel, promoting perfect interaction between wood chips and liquor, resulting in a homogeneous cooking of all cellulosic material
Equipment used to prepare pulp suspensions for drainability test and laboratory sheets formation.
Laboratory press used for pressing laboratory formed sheets according to conventional method.
Laboratory sheet former used to prepare square sheets according to conventional method.
Bench sheet dryer used to dry laboratory formed sheets according to Rapid Köthen method.