The Z-Span™ manual bench-top tester measures zero span and short span tensile strength with individually loaded handsheet or machine-made paper samples. The Z-Span™ Tester generates individual tensile readings from prepared test strips. The Dial-a-Gap attachment facilitates testing at multiple spans from 0.2 mm to 0.6 mm. The Wet Testing Kit supports sample preparation and testing […]
The emco MP P Moisture Predictor is a universal measuring system for the fast and non-destructive moisture determination of paper, paperboard and pulp in stacks through the packaging with a measuring depth of 20 mm.
The emco MP 5 Moisture Predictor is a universal measuring system for the fast and non-destructive moisture determination of paper, paperboard and pulp on the stationary and running roll through the packaging with a measuring depth of 50 mm.
The uniqueness of the FDA resides in its handsheet formation principle which is completely different from classic handsheet formers. In fact, the FDA uses a process very similar to industrial PM sheet production.
MorFi is a powerful research and quality control tool designed to perform a complete morphological characterisation of the entire fibrous population. The analysis is done on a fiber network, allowing that the measurement occurs in the fibers’natural unrestrained environment
A powerful, and efficient solution for fiber morphology measurement. MorFi Neo is equiped with the latest camera technology, and utilizing an enhanced resolution for the best image treatment. It is designed for day to day production control, routine laboratory tests, and also for R&D purposes. With the new resolution, we are able to measure the […]